The process of conquest
Samuel Acevedo(Audio: Español)
Revelation chapter 12 my brothers and we will focus on verses 6 to 11. I will be following the thread that our Pastor started in last week's message, if you remember my brothers the Pastor shared that our goal is not necessarily to be a big Church but an influential church. Our goal as Christians, true success is not found in us acquiring fame or money but living lives that are truly worthwhile, living lives of influence and I know that here among us who were, who got to see the Central Baptist Church where is that, where is the Church?
Welcome to the Central Baptist Church now the Lion of Judah Congregation, but there are a handful of us that remain who remember those days in Cambridge and my brothers since those days I realized even there in that Baptist Church, see that God had a purpose , this was going to be a Church of influence. I was a student, the Lord brought me to this Church in those days of my life, in that trajectory I thought: I am here as long as the Lord has me here and from there I do other things in another place and the Lord told me : There are no other things in another place it is here, get used to it Samuel here you stay this is home.