The gentle warrior

Paul Jehle
Paul Jehle

RESUMEN: Dr. Roberto Miranda, a Latino pastor from Boston, visited a congregation in Cedarville, Massachusetts, and shared his thoughts on the need to break down barriers of ethnicity and race in the church. He used the story of Elijah in First Kings 19, where God speaks to Elijah in a gentle whisper, to emphasize the importance of listening for God's voice in the midst of chaos and noise. He also spoke about the need to focus on what is truly important, as seen in the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10, and the importance of remaining in Jesus, as emphasized in John 15. Miranda's message was a call for unity and a reminder of the centrality of Christ in the church.

In this sermon, the speaker discusses the imminence of a visitation of the spirit and the need for the church to be prepared. He references the story of Elijah and his depression after a great victory, warning that the pressures of ministry can be draining and that we must approach the task with humility and a sense of our own weakness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting to know God intimately and honoring him with our lives. Overall, the sermon encourages the listener to be prepared for the coming of God's glory and to focus on building a strong foundation in the church.

The author discusses how God is interested in the process of our lives and our intimacy with Him, rather than just the results of our actions. He also emphasizes the importance of balancing our efforts to honor God with maintaining beauty, tenderness, and love in our lives. The author uses the story of Elijah to illustrate how God sometimes brings us into crises to correct imbalances in our psyches and to help us know Him more deeply. Through this story, the author emphasizes the importance of being in touch with our emotions and recognizing our own frailties, as well as being open to all aspects of God's personality, including the nurturing and consoling side that is often associated with the feminine.

The sermon focuses on the story of Elijah and how God wanted him to be in touch with the other side of God, the side exemplified by Jesus Christ. The speaker emphasizes the need for churches to be aware of both the masculine and feminine elements of God and to cultivate the gentile elements of the fruit of the spirit. The story of Martha and Mary is used to illustrate the importance of balancing ministry tasks with intimate time with the Lord. The speaker stresses the importance of the prime directive of the church, which is intimacy with Jesus Christ, and the need for churches to be fresh, tender, and focused on giving God glory. Finally, the speaker reminds the congregation that God is in control and preparing to do great things, and that they must prepare themselves and their hearts for what is to come.

Let us receive the word of God and be prepared for the great things He is about to do. May we be obedient, humble, and attentive to His will. I bless this church and declare God's protection and purposes on them. Let His will be done with no obstructions. May His word deeply penetrate our hearts and continue to yield life. Amen.

Dr. Paul Jehle: I met Roberto and Mercedes Miranda several years ago and they’re in the third decade of ministry here in New England, among the many that God has sent from the Hispanic and Brazilian community as missionaries to America. Don’t we need it? Amen. We need it. And they have planted themselves very firmly here in New England. We share many things in common with them, which has kind of drawn our hearts together. They have a common vision with us to see the Kingdom of God touch every area of life.

How many of you have heard that before? Amen. Call the biblical world view, we share a real hunger for that, we share a hunger for New England. We believe God wants to touch New England again. Amen. And Roberto has been instrumental and used by God to begin a network of ministries called Covenant for New England who really see New England touched and we have a heart. I said to my wife ‘God must be moving upon Roberto’s life, I keep hearing God…. I’ve been commuting to Boston twice a week for months for various activities and I told Viny I don’t want to really get used to this’.

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