The locust swarm
Steve Johnson(Audio: Inglés)
Dr. Miranda: I am so thankful for you having called Steve into the ministry, for carrying him through these years of studying. Now, as he prepares to bring your word to us, we pray that your Holy Spirit will be send on him on a different way, empowering him and giving him the thoughts that you want him to share with us. Bless him first, Lord, as your word descends upon him and remains there and take charge, Lord, take control of his lips, of his thoughts and even of our minds as well as we interact with your word, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Steve Johnson: I love you. I love you and I’ll never leave you. That’s what she’s been told, that’s what she believed. See, Lisa, was dating this guy for a while, she thought he was the greatest. He’s good looking, very articulate, he had good jobs, he had a good amount of money, connections around town. He was fun too. He was really everything that she wanted and you know, he said that he loved her. That’s what she wanted. That’s what she wanted to hear. She needed to hear that, that he loved her. He would never leave her.