The Collaboration Dilemma with Unbelievers

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: The tension between collaboration and separation with non-believers is a thorny paradox for the Church. Christians are called to share their faith with others, but also warned against intimate association with unbelievers. Differentiating between people who do not share Christian values and those who hold anti-Christian values is key. Collaboration with non-believers will always require great spiritual clarity, prayer, and reflection. The overriding value should always be to remain faithful to God and never compromise Christian values. If the primary value is to glorify God and save souls, and Christians rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit, they will be covered in their collaboration with non-believers.

The profound words of Jesus Christ: "They are in the world but they are not of the world" constitute a thorny paradox for the Church. We are called to separate ourselves from the world and separate ourselves for the service of an infinitely holy God. But we are also urged to be salt of the earth, to be eminently cunning and flexible, wisely adapting to our social context in order to, as Paul says, “still save some” (see I Corinthians 9: 19-23 ).

Without a doubt, the children of God are called to cultivate opportunities to share our testimony and our faith with those who do not know the gospel. This will inevitably lead us to have contact, and sometimes even to collaborate, with institutions and people who do not share our Christian values.

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