A mutual interest

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: Believers belong to God and God belongs to believers. This leads to mutual consideration and communion. Believers must actively think of God and make sure to have a close relationship with Him. The ultimate goal is to love, worship, revere, and obey God in spirit and truth. This is only possible with the help of Jesus Christ.

Here is a mutual interest. Each belongs to the other. God is the portion of His people, and the chosen people is the portion of their God. The saints discover that God is their main possession, and He regards them as his peculiar treasure. What a mine of consolation for the believer is hidden in this fact!

This happy condition of mutual interest leads to mutual consideration. God will always think of His own people, and they will always think of Him. On this day, my God will do all things for me; What can I do for Him? My thoughts should run to Him, for He thinks of me. I must make sure that it is so, and I must not be content to simply admit that it must be so.

This, moreover, leads to mutual communion. God dwells in us, and we dwell in Him; He walks with us, and we walk with God. What a happy communion this is! Oh, may I receive grace to treat the Lord as my God: to trust Him, and to serve Him as His Deity deserves! Oh that I could love, and worship, and revere and obey Jehovah in spirit and in truth! This is my heart's desire. When I reach it, I will have found my heaven. Lord, help me! Be my God, helping me to know you as my God, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.


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