The contented heart has a continuous banquet

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Gratitude is the key to a happy heart and a continuous banquet. The Word of God says that all the days of the afflicted are difficult, but the contented heart has a continuous feast. Thanksgiving is like a superfood that cures anxiety, worry, and envy. It also beautifies the face and fosters healthy relationships. We should not thank God for every circumstance, but in every circumstance, knowing that He prepares a table before us in the presence of our distressers. We must exercise gratitude as if it were an exercise, strengthen our muscles of gratitude, and learn to eat from the continuous banquet that is in front of us. The best self-help book is the Bible, and one of the best self-help tips is gratitude.

Thanksgiving is the key to enjoying life and savoring its moments. The Apostle Paul modeled this in the Book of Philippians by thanking God for the people in his life. A grateful heart generates good vibes, becomes a magnet for blessings, and releases God's anointing. Lack of gratitude is a lever for Satan in your life, leading to sin and rebellion against God. Thankfulness strengthens faith and releases blessings. Being ungrateful with what God has given you is belittling the giver, and it can lead to sin and violence. Ambition is healthy when it comes from God, but nonconformity and dissatisfaction with what you have can never bring true happiness. For the content of heart, life is a continuous party.

The speaker talks about the importance of being content and grateful in life, even in difficult circumstances. He uses examples from the Bible, such as the apostle Paul who learned to be content in prison, and the repeated message in several Psalms to praise God for His goodness and enduring mercy. He also shares the history behind Thanksgiving Day in the United States, which was set during a time of war and uncertainty by President Abraham Lincoln as a way to give thanks to God. The speaker encourages listeners to find the one thing they can be thankful for in everything, which is the unchanging goodness and mercy of God.

I invite you to open your Bibles to Proverbs 15:15. It says: "All the days of the afflicted are difficult" have you experienced this? when you're feeling down wow, every day is hard right? 15:15: "But the contented heart has a continuous feast."

Father: we thank you Lord that you invite us to a banquet. Thank you Lord that Your banquet is not far away, we do not have to pay, Father we do not have to look for a restaurant elsewhere, thank you that the banquet that You offer us is here, it is within our reach every day continuously. I ask you to open our hearts, I ask you, Good Shepherd, to speak to me today and to my people, Lord, that we listen to Your Voice and Father, that what we speak of today, Lord, come true not only in happy moments but more than anything else. In the hard times that those of us who are talking about today can live, I ask you in the Name of Jesus, amen and amen.

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