The Lord will grant us the requests of our hearts

Dr. Roberto Miranda
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: The Shunammite woman is offered a favor by Elisha, but she declines and is content with her life. However, Elisha discovers that she desires a child and prophesies that she will have one within a year. This shows that when we serve God selflessly, our lives become fertile and able to bear fruit. The prophetic Word is also powerful in aligning circumstances to meet its declaration. When God visits, He gives life and blesses us beyond what we could imagine.

Eliseo sends for the Shunammite to offer her a favor because of how caring she has been with them and how much she has cared for the well-being of her life. Eliseo assumes that what he would be interested in would be a material favor, but the Shunammite surprises him by saying: thank you but no thank you, I don't need anything, I live comfortably among my people, I don't need you to take me to other levels with people of high birth or that introduce me to society because I am fine where I am.

There is also a very nice element in this woman who is kind of happy with her own skin, she doesn't need to be rubbing shoulders with influential people. And I believe that the mature Christian himself, the Christian is not dazzled because a person of great importance calls him or invites him to his house because he is not so in love with the world, the things of the world do not interest him much. A sample of character and spiritual maturity is that stability, that sobriety in life where we do not allow ourselves to be manipulated by people or what they think of us, or always looking for relationships, or social influence. This woman is sure of herself.

"The Lord will grant us the requests of our hearts":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
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