Spiritual authority

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The Shunammite woman approaches Elisha and speaks to him with authority, expressing her bitterness and crisis. She reminds him that she did not ask for a child and that he had offered her one. Elisha sends his servant with his staff to resurrect the child, but the woman insists on Elisha going himself. This shows her spiritual authority and discernment. The child is not resurrected by the servant, and when Elisha arrives, he discovers that the child is still dead. The woman's discernment and clear decision-making skills are important lessons for us in our spiritual lives.

The Shunammite woman approaches Elisha and upon seeing her Elisha sends his servant to greet the woman, and then she refuses all kind of secondary conversation and insists on going directly to the presence of the prophet.

Finally when she comes before him she speaks to him in a very strong way in a sense because she says to him: "Did I ask my Lord for a son, didn't I say not to make fun of me?" The soul of this woman is bitter, she is in crisis and I am shocked, surprised with the authority and security with which this woman speaks to the prophet. This is an expression of her character and speaks to us of the authority we have as children and servants of God.

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