Dr. Roberto Miranda : Speech given at Massachussetts State House November 19, 2006

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

: Dr. Roberto Miranda passionately demands that the people of Massachusetts be allowed to vote on the issue of gay marriage. He accuses the legislators of ignoring their duty to uphold the Constitution and manipulating the law to avoid allowing the citizens to express their views. He also criticizes the hypocrisy of the gay activists who claim to be victims but act as oppressors by pressuring legislators to suppress the civil rights of others. Miranda believes that the gay marriage issue is just the tip of the iceberg and warns that the powerful and politically sophisticated gay activist movement will exploit every avenue available to advance its expansive agenda. He urges people to put pressure on their legislators to fulfill their obligation to let the people vote and denounce the violation of the people's rights.

Listen to Dr. Miranda's passionate speech as he once more demands from the Massachusetts legislature: "Let the people vote!" Contact Brandt Gillespie at praytv.org or via e-mail at PrayTV@aol.com to obtain a DVD with complete coverage of the State House rally.

Transcription of Dr. Miranda's presentation:

Good afternoon, my name is Roberto Miranda. I am a naturalized American citizen and I am proud to be here defending our Constitution and denouncing injustice, no matter where it comes from. I am honored to be here with you this afternoon.

"Dr. Roberto Miranda : Speech given at Massachussetts State House November 19, 2006":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Miranda : At U.S. Congress Press Conference Sept 28, 2004
Dr. Roberto Miranda speaks at a press conference organized by the Alliance for Marriage at the U.S. Congress, expressing support for traditional marriage laws and the Alliance's marriage amendment to protect Latino community values.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Roberto Miranda : Liberty Sunday Presentation October 15, 2006
Dr. Roberto Miranda urges Christians to take a bold stance against same-sex marriage and embrace their prophetic call to proclaim the whole gospel without compromise.