Dr. Miranda : At U.S. Congress Press Conference Sept 28, 2004

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Dr. Roberto Miranda, representing the fellowship of Hispanic pastors of New England and the Latino Coalition for Community Initiatives, stated at a press conference organized by the Alliance for Marriage that they strongly support the institution of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. He expressed concern over the recent decision of the Massachusetts High Court and the challenges it may pose to traditional marriage laws around the country. He also questioned whether those who support traditional marriage laws are guilty of discrimination, as the court in his state believes. He concluded that the Alliance for Marriage's marriage amendment is essential for protecting the values of the Latino community under American law.

Watch Dr. Miranda's statement on the preservation of marriage during the press conference at the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington D.C. on Sept. 28, 2004. The press conference was organized by the Alliance for Marriage. Other speakers at the press conference were: Rep. Tom DeLay, House Majority Leader; Matt Daniels, Alliance for Marriage; Samuel Bettencourt, Alliance for Marriage; Samuel Rodriguez, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference; Felix Posos, Northern Pacific Latin District of the Assemblies of God; Fred Estrada, Nueva Esperanza; and Sonia Valdes, Christian Latin Business Association.

Transcript of Dr. Miranda's statement: "Good morning, I’m Dr Roberto Miranda and I’m here representing the fellowship of Hispanic pastors of New England, known as COPAHNI and the Latino Coalition for Community Initiatives. Together these two organizations represent hundreds of churches and thousands of Latinos all over the United States. The Latino Coalition for Community Initiatives and COPAHNI strongly support the institution of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The Latino community regards this definition of marriage as so fundamental that it is regarded as a matter of course among our people. Sadly in my home state of Massachusetts the courts have already declared that the values and believes of the vast majority of Americans with respect to marriage, including the overwhelming majority of Latinos are a form of hatred and bigotry.

So the recent decision of four judges of the highest court in my state and all the social and legal complications and perils that this has unleashed gives us no choice but to engage vigorously in this debate. This is particularly true because a decision of the Massachusetts High Court will lead to challenges to marriage laws around the country. From what I can tell, almost every US senator, both Democrat and Republican, who has debated AFM’s’s marriage amendment in the Senate, has said that they support traditional marriage laws and opposed what the Massachusetts Court did. I would like to ask: are they also all guilty of discrimination? Was President Clinton guilty of discrimination along with the overwhelming majority of Democrats and Republicans in the Congress when he approved the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. Tragically the highest court in my state thinks so and that is why AFM’s marriage amendment is essential for Latinos if we are to protect the values of our community under American law. Thank you."

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