Where the Presence of the Lord is, the demons flee

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The speaker believes that God wants to bless entire nations and communities, and that the way to do this is by inviting Jesus Christ to take control and repudiate the works of the devil. He emphasizes the importance of the Word of God in our lives, as it is the answer to all our needs and can forcefully push out anything that is contrary to it. He uses the story of the woman with a spirit of infirmity to illustrate how the Word of God can bring liberation and healing, even without a frontal confrontation with the devil. He encourages everyone to study the Word and make it a central part of their lives, so that the devil has no place in their homes or communities.

The most important thing in life is to have the Word of God fill you. Miracles are a complement to the teaching ministry of the Lord, and the basis of a church should always be good teaching. The devil wants people to be spiritually hunched over and looking down, but Christ offers liberation and healing. An anointed church is needed to discern the powers of darkness in a community, and people must give the Lord space to move and work in their lives.

This sermon discusses the story of Jesus healing a woman who had been bent over for 18 years, and how it represents a church that lacks power, vision, and compassion. The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeing the potential in all people, even those who are deemed "crooked" or "unlovable" by society. He also calls for churches to speak the truth of God, denounce sin, and minister to those who are suffering. The speaker encourages believers to become agents of transformation and to pray for the city and its inhabitants.

Clearly the Lord tells me: "Speak to them of My Person, lift Me up" speaking of Jesus Christ "lift Me over the city. I want to cleanse the city, I want to extend My arms." The image of Jesus on the mountain praying for Jerusalem comes to mind right now, I imagine that He was looking towards Jerusalem and praying for that city saying: "Jerusalem, you who stone your prophets, how I wanted to cover you as the chicken covers the chicks and you didn't want to." The Lord wants to cover our city with His shadow, He wants to cover it with His Name.

If cities, if nations, if families, if communities, ethnic groups, neighborhoods invite Jesus Christ to take control and say no to Satan and repudiate the works of the devil the Lord is going to come in and do worksa cleaning that no institution, no other power can do. How many believe that? God wants to bless families, God wants to break the bonds of the devil.

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