Do not reject God's gift

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: English, Spanish) ->Alternate

SUMMARY: The gifts of God often come in imperfect vessels, and we need to be humble enough to receive them in whatever form they come. We should not reject the move of God just because it is manifesting itself in unattractive ways. We have a role to play if we want the Holy Spirit to be active in our lives and in our churches. Sometimes the move of God starts in small and simple ways, and we need to be persistent and flow with it to allow it to build. We should not wait for some mystical experience to receive the gifts of the Spirit, but rather start using them and letting them flow through us.

The move of God often starts in small, simple, unimpressive ways. People often expect perfection in the manifestation of gifts like speaking in tongues or healing, but God often works gradually and through imperfect vessels. We should not let fear or complexity keep us from entering into the move of God and using the gifts He has given us. We need to be humble and use what we have, and God will give us more. Don't reject the gift, use it with humility and thanksgiving.

Second Timothy Chapter 1. The Lord brought this verse up for us during the prophetic time we had together and I really believe that everything that God gave us in prophetic words in our prayer time is directly related to the word I have to share with you today. Second Timothy Chapter 1 Verses 6 and 7, famous, well-known verses. “For this reason I remind you to flare into flame the gift of God which is on you through the lag on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or fear but spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline”.

I would like to have even more time to unpack the central idea that God has put in my heart today. During my trip to Puerto Rico this past week to the city of Arecibo God gave me this word to share with the leaders there in their own context. And as I have come back from Puerto Rico, I have been thinking about the prophetic move of God, the move of the Holy Spirit in churches and why it is so difficult sometimes for churches to really enter into the fullness of what God has for them. And sometimes I think it’s because the gifts of God, the greatest gifts of God sometimes come wrapped in ways that are not that attractive.

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