Do what comes to hand

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: A life filled with the Holy Spirit begins with small things, such as praying for your Church, tithing, sharing your testimony, studying the Word of God, and praying for the sick. We don't need to be great evangelists or pastors, but every believer who has the Holy Spirit within them has God's authority to pray and do the works of God. Gifts are developed through use and obedience, so we should seize the opportunities that God puts in our path to be useful servants. God will anoint us with His Power, and we will see incredible capacities activated to unify people and do great works of liberation.

We continue with our study of the life filled with the Holy Spirit and how God leads us to have that experience of receiving that infusion of power, that visitation with the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and we are seeing it through the life of King Saul .

We see this journey through which God takes this man whom He wants to use and puts him in contact with people filled with the Holy Spirit, people who know the mysteries of the Spirit, who have been in those places where God dwells with power and It leads him to become infected with that force that these men, God's prophets, exemplify.

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