Direct Communication with Our Heavenly Father

Fanny Rodríguez
Fanny Rodríguez

SUMMARY: Technology has advanced so much that we have direct access to information and communication through small devices. However, the kingdom of God has enjoyed these advances for centuries with direct communication with the Father through Christ. We can cry out to Him at all times, not just in times of adversity, but also to share our blessings and joys with Him. We should make Jesus the center of our lives and homes. Let us have a pleasant communion with Him and consult Him before turning to others on bad days. Thank you, Lord, for your love and care for us. Amen.

It's amazing how technology advances. Who imagined twenty years ago that we could carry a telephone without having it connected to a power source. Even more a mini computer that we can also carry, read and study anywhere because we have access to books and information on these small computers that receive signals over the air. This seems common to us today and every day we see the progress of this technology. Yet the kingdom of God has enjoyed these advances for many centuries. When Christ came into the world, died, and rose again, He gave us direct communication with the Father.

We do not need any intermediary, the Word of God says that we can enter and speak directly with the Heavenly Father not only to help us, or for a request but to tell him our achievements and thank him. Many years ago I learned that God's direct number is Jeremiah 33: 3 "Cry out to me, and I will answer you and teach you great and hidden things that you do not know."

Have you asked yourself when can we cry out to the Lord? At all times, and the best thing is that you will not hear a voice that records the message. He gives you wisdom because his word promises it, “And if any of you lacks wisdom, ask God, who gives abundantly to all. and without reproach and it will be given to him. " He answers all of our calls. When we are sick, when we find ourselves in financial trouble, when we don't know what to do with a rebellious child, when we don't know how to make a decision, when our marriage is in trouble, when I feel lonely or confused, but also when I'm happy, when everything it goes well, when there are no problems, how good it is to share joys with our beloved Savior. It seems that many times we seek Him alone in the face of adversity.

Today I want to encourage you to share your victories, your peace, your gratitude and all blessings with the one who has given you new life. Celebrate the birthday of your new birth with your loved ones, also that of your children and husband. Jesus should be the center of our life and of our homes.

Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are attentive to my needs, my problems, but you are also happy with my successes and with my company. Help me to have a pleasant communion with you so that on bad days I consult you before turning to others. Thank you for your love and care for me and my family. Amen.

Other publications related to "Direct Communication with Our Heavenly Father":

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An article about heavenly communication and how it differs from telecommunications in Cuba.

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