God will bless the Church that does works of evangelism

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In 2 Kings 7, we see the story of four lepers who stumbled upon a great harvest of food in a deserted Syrian camp. They initially kept it to themselves but then realized that they needed to share the good news with their people who were starving in Samaria. This story teaches us that God wants to bless His people with abundance and prosperity, but we must not keep the blessings to ourselves. We are called to share the good news of the Gospel with others and be bold in our evangelism. If we do this, God will bless us, but if we keep silent, we will face negative consequences. In this time of God's mighty move, we must be with Him, flow with His purposes, and carry out His will in history.

We see here a tremendous harvest that these men - who are flowing in God's revelation - enjoy. When one moves in the power of God and is doing the Will of the Lord there is great blessing, there is great harvest for us.

God wants a time of refreshment for the Church of Jesus Christ; a time of abundance, a time of spiritual provision, a time of prosperity even and that is what is coming at this time for the children of God. These are times of great, great enjoyment of divine provision both on a material and spiritual level.

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