God stands behind determined people

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: God is pleased with determined and consecrated people, but is displeased with those who are indecisive and fluctuating. The Church in Laodicea had material resources but lacked spiritual commitment and consecration. God desires a red-hot spirituality and total commitment from his people. The gifts of the Spirit and power of God require an environment and attitude of decision and consecration. Those who live a life of power and effectiveness have removed doubts and thrown themselves desperately into the arms of the Lord, living with their eyes focused on eternity. God is waiting for a determined and consecrated people to show his power for and through them.

Determined people always move the heart of God. On the other hand, the indecisive and fluctuating causes him displeasure. The apostle James says: A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Let no one think, then, that he will receive anything from the Lord (James 1: 7 and 8).

Apparently, the Church believers in Laodicea had many material resources — financially strong congregations, and with influential members. But spiritually they were decrepit. There was much worldliness in the Body, and a lack of decisiveness and clarity regarding the call to holiness and consecration to the Lord.

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