God is never indebted to anyone

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The story of the Shunammite woman, who prepared a room for the prophet Elisha to stay in, teaches us about the importance of being diligent in advancing the Kingdom of God. When we invest our life, money, and talents in the Kingdom, the Holy Spirit will want to bless and prosper us. The best way to assure a blessed and prosperous life is by being generous with the Kingdom of God. Elisha offers to help the Shunammite woman, but she declines, showing her disinterested heart and passion for the Kingdom of God. God is always looking for ways to bless those who are diligent toward His Kingdom.

One day the prophet Elisha decides to stay in this room that this woman had so lovingly and delicately prepared, to facilitate the prophet's ministry. Then he says that one day Eliseo comes along the way, he stays, he sleeps in the room that this woman had prepared for him.

And then the story continues that, after sleeping there, Elisha calls his servant Gehazi says in verse 12: "Then he said to his servant Gehazi: Call this Shunammite. And when he called her she came before him and he said then to Gehazi: Tell her: here you have been caring for us with all this care, what do you want me to do for you? Do you need me to speak for you to the king or the general of the army? And she replied: I live in the midst of me town."

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