God gave them up to filth

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The apostle Paul spoke about the wrath of God being reflected against men who resist His Will, leading them to idolatry and an unclean behavior. Homosexual behavior is a manifestation of this rebellion, and God has irreversibly consigned a sector of humanity to it. This behavior is addictive and consuming, leading to dishonoring one's own body. However, anyone who recognizes homosexual behavior as a sin against God, confesses, and repents of it can receive mercy and forgiveness. It may take time and effort to change, but God is merciful and offers hope. The condemnation is towards those who persist in homosexual behavior without recognizing its sinful aspect.

We are conducting a Bible study concerning homosexuality. We have seen how Paul gradually assembles his arguments and clearly establishes that the wrath of God is reflected against men who resist His Will and that leads them to idolatry.

Pablo is talking about that whole classical world where he lived. And today what applies the most is that part where Paul says that men have been stubborn in their own reasoning and that is why God has also condemned them to an imperfect mind and a darkened heart.

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