God is faithful
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Inglés)
This sermon is about the faithfulness of God and our assurance in Him. The speaker begins by referencing a worship song about God's faithfulness and moves on to discuss the importance of Romans 8 in understanding our confidence in God. He acknowledges the struggles and sins that we all face in life but emphasizes that as long as we remain in Christ, we are not condemned. Being in Christ means grounding ourselves in Him and tying ourselves to Him like a man tying himself to a column in a hurricane. It is an attitude and affirmation of the will that Christ is our all and the seat of our identity. The speaker believes that those who struggle against sin but passionately serve the Lord are in Christ and covered by His blood.
The speaker talks about the assurance that believers have in Christ. They are not condemned and are covered by the blood of Christ. Believers are given the power to rebel against sin and with the power of God in their lives, they can overcome anything. Believers can come to God as his children and have access to all the blessings of the Kingdom of God. The hope of a new body and a new nature awaits them. The speaker also talks about the Spirit helping believers in their weakness, even interceding for them with groans that words cannot express.
As a believer, there are many benefits that we have, including freedom from the control of the sinful nature, a spirit of sonship that allows us to come confidently before the Lord, the hope of a new body and nature, and the assurance of salvation. God is always there to help us, even in prayer, and he has surrounded us with a hedge of safety and security. We can be sure of our salvation as long as we remain in Christ and make him the most powerful impulse of our being. God wants us to finish the race well and has made everything possible for us to enter his Kingdom. We should thank him for his goodness and faithfulness.God’s faithfulness. I don’t remember which chorus it was, but it was one that speaks of the faithfulness of Jesus and of God and his standing with us every step of the way, his support for us, his never ending ownership of our lives and of our process of salvation, the journey of salvation, that assurance that we have in God. I want to flow with that theme so I changed and I believe this is a spirit lead my topic and I want to….. let’s go to the book of Romans, chapter 8, I think it’s a good place to begin. As we celebrate the Lord, as we’ve exalted him, we’ve worshiped him because of his goodness, his faithfulness, his mercy, his steadfast love us. It’s so good to take that opportunity also to see where the grounding, the scriptural grounding of what we have just proclaimed here, where it lies and to reinforce in us that sense of assurance, of God’s goodness. So, chapter 8 of Romans stands in my mind as the essential document, if you will, of the assurance of every believer, the foundation that we have of confidence in the Lord, in our calling as believers.
I remember that the last time I preached, 3, 4 weeks ago, it was on the subject of the prodigal son and I would call it really the merciful father, the forgiving father. And we saw there that grace of God exemplified in one of the main characters of Jesus’ parable, that father who allows his son to leave, having been offended by the son, the son goes off, wastes the father’s money, abases himself completely with totally, undignified, sinful behavior and comes back chastised and humble and fearful and hoping maybe to get a few crumbs of his father’s mercy. And he has his speech all prepared and to his surprise, his father not only receives him, but really runs to him and catches up to him and welcomes him with open arms and gives him a regal reception and restores him to his previous state of dignity and ownership of the home.