God blesses the one who endures the trial

Faustino de Jesús Zamora VargasThe great men and women of the Bible were put to the test by our God. Some knew it after enduring them and emerging triumphant; Others may never have found out and God revealed them to us a long time later. The truth is that responding like Abraham to the recognition of God's will behind the test (sacrificing his son Isaac), shows a superlative degree of faith. “By faith Abraham, who had received the promises, was put to the test and offered up Isaac, his only son ”(Heb 11:17). This is the measure of faith that we all long for. To say - here I am Lord, here I am, try me - is in itself an immense test.
To know if it is a test you must be sensitive to the voice of God. The easiest thing is to “rebuke” the devil in the face of uncertainty (am I being tempted by the devil or is it that God wants to refine me with his tests?), Which does not always seem like a spiritual reaction, but a carnal one. The advice, if there are doubts, is to seek the face of God in prayer and immerse ourselves in the supernatural to understand what the Lord wants to teach us with the event.
God wants to see the hearts of his children by testing them and sometimes uses the painful method of humiliation. For forty years the people of Israel were put to the test by God in the desert to see if they kept his commandments (Dt 8.2). Through the prophet Jeremiah God speaks to his people: Therefore, this is what the Lord Almighty says: “I am going to refine them, to put them to the test. What else can I do with my people? ›› (Jer 9.7). God's question is valid for these times of the church of Jesus Christ and in such a hostile context that everything seems to come from the devil. Watch out church! The test is tribulation and suffering, it is grief and bitterness under the total control of God to take the Christian to a higher spiritual plane, to understand the need for a constant and fierce communion and relationship with the Lord of Lords.
If David had not been constantly tested by admitting his faults and rebellions against God and repenting of his sins, the Lord would never have granted him the privilege of calling him a man after his own heart. Neither Job would have been restored, nor Elijah taken to heaven, nor Daniel would have emerged victorious from the lion's den. It's all about faith. The test clears the heart of the believer and makes faith cross the threshold of the supernatural. The proof, once recognized that it comes from God, may be the answer you have been waiting for and he wants to grant you the blessing in a special way. God blesses the one who endures trial with faith and strengthens him to walk confidently… even in the dark.
No one has said that passing the test is easy. Is there a test greater than the wood and the nails that the Lamb slain for our sins endured? Certainly there is not. For that coming glory that we will have in Christ, the undoubted hope of our faith, it is worth living and even suffering. May the Lord always accompany us in the experience of his trials, affirm and strengthen us. On the Christian's cross, the essential traces of a salvation won by grace and by the precious blood of Christ, are and will be the glorious proofs of our beloved Redeemer in his daily walk.
God bless your Word!