What does success depend on?
Andrés Cisterna(Audio: Español)
I want to invite you to open your Bible to the book of Job, chapter 22. I am going to take some points, a series of sermons that I had in our church, today I do not intend to do a sequence, rather I want to invite you to have a time of meditation and to put our hearts in the presence of the Lord, and let Him minister to us, that He can speak to us about our spiritual situation.
How many have heard the word success, yes? The word is attractive success, everyone seeks to succeed in some way, or seeks to achieve something to feel successful, not only in the world, right? Worldly people always say, it is something that in the church there are also people who are after success, right? sometimes family, competitive, educational formation takes us, and when we arrive at church we are also driven by that, pastors are also sometimes obsessed with ideas of success when we watch television and see those great churches, we consider and I am often successful, we consider successful when there is a pastor who can travel all over the world, I don't know if it would be such a success to be tired on a plane for so many hours, not being able to see the family, not being able to see the children.