Cultivate an attitude of joy and gratitude

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The joy of a Christian is not based on good circumstances but on the hope and gratitude that come from knowing we have a great inheritance in Christ. God has made us fit to participate in this inheritance, not because of our own merit but because of His grace. This should be a source of joy and gratitude in our hearts, even in difficult times. Let us cultivate this joy and gratitude, which will bring blessings and triumphs in our lives.

Many times we believe that to feel joy we first have to have good circumstances around us. The Bible tells us just the opposite: to have good circumstances we must first confess joy and cultivate joy within us.

The only thing that justifies this idea is that the joy of the Christian is not a superficial joy, it is not what we would call joy, it is not the result simply of a good circumstance that generates in us a superficially emotional attitude of joy, no. It is the sublime joy of the one who knows that there are good things even though on the surface the circumstances may not be promising.

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