When men are puffed up in their own reasoning ...
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
The study discusses the biblical position on homosexuality, starting with Romans 1:20, which states that nature itself speaks about the will of God. By studying nature, one can see God's character, which demands holy behavior from His creatures. Lust, homosexuality, violence, and neglecting human dignity are not behaviors that reflect God's character. In idolatrous times, people represented God using cruel and arbitrary animal forms, which deeply offended the heart of God. Men rebelled against God and tried to make Him a corruptible, animal, limited image, which caused the wrath of God. Men were puffed up in their own reasoning, which caused their foolish hearts to be darkened. As a consequence, their minds became deficient, and they became fools, seeing God through an imperfect lens. The next study will continue with the analysis of homosexuality made by the Apostle Paul.Dear brothers, welcome to our study concerning homosexuality and the biblical position on this subject. I want to start by directing your attention to verse 1 of Romans chapter 20 where Paul says that: "Because the invisible things of God, His eternal Power and deity become clearly visible from the creation of the world being understood through the things made in such a way that they have no excuse. "
As we saw in the previous segment, nature itself speaks about the Will of God. The psalmist says that: "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament announces the work of His hands." In other words, he who has eyes to study nature sees a God of love, a generous God, a holy God, a gracious God of justice, coherent, who has principles, who has purpose and who is governed by a very behavior. well planned and very consistent with each other.