When what God asks of you does not make sense ...

Myriam Díaz
Myriam Díaz

RESUMEN: The author felt a prompting from the Holy Spirit to stop wearing pants, even though it didn't make sense to her. As she began wearing skirts and embracing her femininity, she noticed changes in how people treated her and in her own attitude towards men. She realized that society's push for gender equality had drowned out her innate desire to be a delicate and pampered woman. This reminded her of Eve in the garden and the offer of "more." She encourages others to trust God even when His requests don't make sense.

One day I felt the gentle touch of the Spirit of God that impressed me in my heart, "don't wear pants." I replied: Queeeeee! Are you sure?

I continued my conversation with the Holy Spirit that morning: "But Joyce Meyer wears pants and you wear her Jehovah. Do you still have to deal with her? And what about the pastor's wife and preacher who do you use the front so much? "

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