Conflicts in the church

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the speaker discusses conflicts in the Church by looking at the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas over whether to bring John Mark on a missionary trip. He emphasizes that conflicts are natural and to be expected in any group of humans, but it is important to choose one's battles wisely and handle conflicts in a Christian and anointed way. The speaker also highlights the importance of unity in the Church and the need to work towards maintaining the unity of the Spirit. He closes by discussing how conflicts can be handled in good and bad ways, and emphasizes the importance of focusing on the problem, not attacking the person.

This sermon discusses conflicts and how to handle them in a healthy and respectful way. The speaker uses the example of the conflict between Barnabas and Paul in the Bible and how they fought, but ultimately resolved their disagreement in a respectful way. The speaker emphasizes the importance of assuming good faith, respecting the other person, and practicing empathy. The sermon also mentions the conflict between two sisters in the Church, Evodia and Sintique, and how the Apostle Paul asked for a mediator to help resolve their conflict. The speaker encourages people to seek help when in a conflict and to be self-aware of their own faults.

The key to resolving conflicts is to be self-aware and work on our own issues. We need to be aware of our own past wounds that may be triggered in a conflict and work on healing them. The Apostle Paul gives us a recipe for detoxifying impure air in a conflict. This involves rejoicing, showing kindness, praying, giving thanks, and breathing peace. We can also choose to think of a person of peace and imitate their behavior. It's never too late to be healed and seek peace, even if the other party doesn't reciprocate. We should strive to be agents of peace and reconcile with each other, just as we will spend eternity together in heaven.

We are in the Book of Acts chapter 15 and there in the services in English in the morning we are doing a series of sermons about the primitive Church, the first Christians, what the Holy Spirit did in the people there at the beginning of the Church and all the things that God did, because we believe that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, he is the same God, he wants to perform miracles as he did at that time.

If you read the Book of Acts you will see stories of power like you can't imagine. Dead people raised, healings, preaching to thousands of people, and you will also read the dramas of the first Christians. Today we are going to read about one, what is it called in English? a good church fight, a good salt out that took place between Pablo and Barnabas, and we are going to see that conflicts in the Church are natural, they are to be expected, and sometimes they can produce a blessing if they are handled well.

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