With persistent practice you will achieve your goals

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: Tony Meléndez, a Nicaraguan born without arms, learned to play the guitar and keyboard with his toes through persistent practice. His talent eventually led him to perform for Pope John Paul II, who was so impressed that he planted a kiss on Tony and encouraged him to continue giving hope to people. Tony's brain adapted to his unique circumstances and developed the necessary resources to achieve his vision. The same can be true for bad habits, which can become ingrained in our neurological wiring. We must persist in our visions and commit to long-term action in order to achieve heroic achievements.

Some time ago I read about the case of Tony Meléndez, a young Nicaraguan who was born without arms as a result of a medicine taken by his mother during pregnancy. In her childhood, her parents moved to the United States in order to provide better medical care for her condition. At some point during his childhood, Tony began trying to play the keyboard and guitar on his toes. After many years of practice, he developed such dexterity that he came to sing and play in public places, impressing everyone with his rare ability. During his youth, Tony rediscovered his Catholic faith and began to become actively involved in the program of his local church. He became so popular in the Catholic circles of his city that he got to participate musically up to five times a Sunday in different masses in the area. He gained the attention of influential people, including one of the people in charge of organizing the program for Pope John Paul II's visit to the United States in 1987.

"Someone got my name from somewhere and asked me to attend a meeting," Tony recalls in a biographical note. "I wasn't sure what it was about." It turned out to be an audition for the event, and Tony was accepted. "I was very excited when I found out," he adds. Tony's performance so impressed the Pope that he stepped out of his seat, stepped off the stage, and planted a kiss on the surprised singer. The pontiff's words were of great encouragement to him, and transformed his life and his musical career: “Tony, truly you are a brave young man. You are giving all of us hope. My wish for you is that you continue to give hope to all people ”. The audience erupted in enthusiastic applause.

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