Milagros García KlibanskyThe number of posters that we see every day in various places where we pass is impressive, above all, the number of figures that one can observe when getting on a bus catches my attention. In the front, around the driver's seat, we can find messages of all kinds, for example, there is one that I liked, because it says: "Jesus is the way", it has a relaxing and hopeful green background, I was almost to identify with the driver when I realized that next to it there was a little doll that symbolized a witch, next to this a wooden sign that had a mouth with a tongue sticking out of it and the tongue pierced by a dagger, near which a red cloth.
Another that caught my attention was a large sign that said: "Only God loves me", on which there was a little doll with a pig's face, dressed as a devil. I do not know if a higher mind could understand and associate such contrasting messages, I really do not achieve it, before each message that proclaims the love of God, I am disappointed by the distorted messages that accompany them and that deny that the person who carries them walks of the hand of God.