Can you still sing in jail?

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The Apostle Paul intervenes in a fight between two powerful sisters in Philippi, urging them to be of one mind in the Lord. He diagnoses their lack of joy and urges them to rejoice in the Lord always. The goal is to live intentionally in such a way that the natural result is the joy of the Lord. This is achieved by living a life of kindness and perseverance that earns the admiration of those around us. The source of this joy is the presence of the Lord, which is cultivated through intentional disciplines such as prayer. The enemy of joy is eagerness, which can become a lifestyle if not kept in check.

The speaker encourages listeners to practice three disciplines for a full and abundant life in Christ. The first is to expel negative thoughts and emotions before entering into prayer and meditation with God. The second is to practice thanksgiving by reviewing and celebrating the good things that God has done in one's life, even in the small things. The third is to study and practice the abundant life by learning and living the teachings of Jesus. The speaker emphasizes that true joy and peace come from practicing these disciplines, even in difficult times, and by singing in one's own "jail" or struggles. The presence of God is with us always and can bring a supernatural joy and peace.

Sing hymns and spiritual songs in jail to praise God and remember all the ways he has delivered you. This will bring an explosion of joy when you least expect it, because God's presence is always with you. Give glory to God for the victory he has given you.

Let's go to Philippians Chapter 4, beginning with verse 2: Unleash the joy of the Lord, unleash the joy of the Lord in your life. Amen. The Apostle Paul begins with, perhaps, the highest exultation of the joy of the Lord, intervening in a fight that was taking place in the city of Philippi, between two apparently powerful sisters.

Brothers of level 2, do you remember Amalgalina? Brothers of level 4, Amalgalina, the brave Christian, do you remember her? Not one Amalgalina here, we have two, two. The Apostle Paul says:

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