Safe path

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

RESUMEN: We often take the easiest and most dangerous path in our spiritual lives, ignoring warnings and falling into pitfalls. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, but we foolishly try to play God and make our own decisions. We need to listen to the clear voice of the Spirit and take the difficult but safe path that leads to our resting place.

In our country we have become accustomed to walking on the streets, we discuss the paths with cars and sometimes we even run the risk of being run over, but, we have no choice, the sidewalks are so broken that it is preferable not to walk on them, Well, if we do, we run the risk of a fall.

Sometimes the same thing happens on our way of faith, we dare to look for the easiest way to reach the goal, without realizing that this is not the safest and for this reason we find ourselves entangled in situations of high risk for our lives. spiritual. And it is not that we have not been warned that this can happen, no, it is just that we are forgetful listeners and again and again we fall into the same potholes and breaks of our lives.

As children, faced with each direction to take, we ask ourselves, like disoriented birds, which way is the correct one? When Thomas asked the Lord, he responded in John 14: 6 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me. " So what is the reason for our disorientation? At last, we can realize that it is not disorientation, but foolishness.

We love to play God, we enjoy deciding for ourselves which direction to take and then when we fall down the ravine at the end of the road, we remember that there is a God in our life and we blame him for not having strayed. on time. We lie to ourselves constantly. We tell ourselves that it is the voice of God that speaks when our delights are those who are shouting.

Think and remember, how many times have you felt his voice whispering in your ear, warning ... reproving ...? Come on, do not want to be deceived, the Spirit that dwells in you does not sleep, does not give up, does not abandon, you are the one who does not listen to the clear voice that warns you. Yes, it is true, the road is more difficult, but safe. The others divert you. This will take you safely to the resting place

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