Seeking more intimacy with the Holy Spirit

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:8 is a fascinating character who embodies and illustrates spiritual truths. She was an important woman, possibly of influence and respected in her community, who persistently invited the prophet Elisha to eat with her family. She discerned that he was a man of God and wanted to establish a relationship with him. This shows that she was a spiritual woman who desired intimacy with God and was not content with a superficial relationship. We can learn from her example and seek to enter into intimacy with God in our own lives.

I remember in my first sermon about thirty-odd years ago I chose the Shunammite woman, one of my favorite characters in all of Scripture, because this woman is fascinating in terms of her character, her love for God, her miraculous life, and the spiritual truths that she embodies and illustrates.

So the passage in Second Kings in chapter 4 verse 8, this passage begins by telling us that: "One day, Elisha was passing through a town called Shunem, and there was an important woman there who insistently invited him to eat. And when he passed by that way he would come to her house to eat. "

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