Are you trying to bargain with God?

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: We should not try to negotiate with God or make promises in exchange for His blessings. Instead, we should trust in His providence and remember three spiritual truths: we must seek forgiveness daily, Christ is our King and Lord, and eternal life is a gift offered in exchange for our surrender and obedience. We should also repair our sacrificial altar, remember the times God has manifested His power, and light our altar of prayer. By seeking God with all our heart, we can live a life of victory in Christ.

In moments of despair, when the test makes a triumphal entry into our existence, we desperately cry out to God, we beg for his blessings, his divine intervention for the solution of the problem we are going through, we kneel, and we even make promises in exchange for his favors as if God were a businessman, a God who conditions his blessings on what we can offer or plead with him. In the eyes of our creator, nothing we do or say could satisfy the expectations of a holy God who offers us mercy and above all infinite grace even though we do not deserve it. To experience a life of victory in Christ, it is not necessary for us to seat our God on the bench of barter, of exchange. If you give me this, I give you this other. If you grant me what I am asking of you, then I will try to fulfill my Christian obligations and duties.

Many of the frustrations that come to the life of the believer are based on their excessive unbelief and although it seems a paradox, even being believers, sometimes we behave as unbelievers because we do not trust the providence of God. There are some truths that the believer must know if he wants to live in victory in Christ:

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