Anatomy of a decision
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
In this sermon, the speaker discusses the importance of prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church. He uses the example of the early Christians in the Book of Acts, specifically focusing on their decision-making process following the ascension of Jesus. The speaker emphasizes the need for a balanced perspective on the role of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the importance of following Jesus' instructions for the number of apostles. He encourages listeners to be people of prayer and to seek the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit.
The passage discusses the church's need to replace Judas as an apostle and the decision-making process that followed. Peter emphasized the importance of obedience to the Lord's instructions and the use of the Word to guide their decisions. The passage also highlights the church's transition from being directly directed by Jesus to relying on prayer, the Word, and mature advice to make decisions. The author suggests that prayer, studying the Word, seeking advice from wise people, and avoiding impulsive decisions are essential to making wise decisions.
When making important decisions in life, it's important to take time, meditate, and examine your environment, yourself, and your motives. Pray, seek advice, and consult with wise and understanding people. Once you've done all of this, trust in the Lord and walk in faith, knowing that He will be with you. Don't let fear or perfectionism prevent you from making decisions, and don't go around looking for a prophetic word or a prophet to tell you what to do. Use the tools that God has given you, and ask Him for wisdom.
The Word of the Lord encourages us to ask for wisdom, as God wants to pour out his wisdom on his people. Proverbs 1:20-33, 2, 3:5-8, and 3:13-24 all offer promises of wisdom for those who seek it. It is important to take wisdom seriously, as it can help us make decisions, manage our affairs, and grow in knowledge of ourselves and the Word of God. We are not alone in our decisions, as we have the Holy Spirit within us to guide us. We should entrust everything to the Lord and pray for wisdom. The Lord promises to be with us and to straighten our paths if we seek his face.Today I want to talk to you about the "Anatomy of a Decision". I want us to analyze a moment in the life of the Church at the very beginning of the Gospel. In the first chapter of the Book of Acts. And this incident, this moment in the life of the Church has a lot to communicate to us about what to do when we find ourselves in similar situations.
I was telling the brothers this morning that for a moment I was almost going to forget about that text and go to chapter 2 of the Book of Acts. As you know, we are studying the Book of Acts and my desire through this study -I return and reiterate the purpose- is that our brothers, by examining these passages of Scripture that show us what life was like for those first Christians who they conquered the world, they were enjoying the anointing of the Holy Spirit.