Some thoughts on the US elections
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
The pastor shares his perspective on the recent US elections, stating that he did not vote for either of the two main candidates due to their respective flaws. He discusses the behaviors of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that prevented him from voting for them, including Trump's insulting treatment of immigrants and his unbridled capitalism, and Clinton's support for abortion and disregard for God's creation and design. He also mentions the persecution of the church and the corruption of moral values in society. The pastor emphasizes the importance of obedience to God's principles, rather than installing one's own sense of justice, in social transformation.
The sermon discusses the idea that sometimes people try to install social justice without basing it on the principles of God's Kingdom, which often leads to failure. The speaker cites examples of past revolutions, such as in Haiti, China, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, which all ended in violence and corruption because they denied God and the spiritual. The Bible is clear that if Jehovah does not build the house, those who build it work in vain. People may become fond of a scenario they believe is how God should work, but God may have another plan. The Bible is full of people who thought their solution was going to come one way, but God did it a totally different way. The speaker encourages patience until the end of God's plan is established. Sometimes God creates very different scenarios and uses instruments that people would never think could lead to a result according to God's heart. The sermon cites the story of Naaman, who was healed by God in a way he did not expect, and the story of the Messiah, who came to save humanity, not just establish an empire. God's way of solving problems is often different than people expect, but His ending is always good.
The speaker discusses the recent election and encourages listeners to trust in God's plan, regardless of whether they are happy with the outcome. He reminds them to pray for their leaders and to have mercy on those who may be disappointed or threatened. He also warns against seeking help from sources that go against God's will and encourages aligning oneself with the complex purposes of God. The speaker believes that immigrants, including Latino Christians, have been brought to the US to renew it with their Christian values.
The Latino church and immigrant people have been brought to the US to renew it with their love for God, family, children, respect for authority, prayer, and Christian heart. In times of crisis, it is important to trust in God and be silent before Him. We should discard anger and trust that God knows the needs of His children. God is working on Earth like never before and needs men and women to trust and wait on Him. We should be a people that ministers to the city with God's word, preaching enlightened holiness, justice, obedience, and moving in the mystery of His will. We should be patient and trust in God's providence to carry out His will. May the grace and peace of the Lord be with us. Amen.I told the brothers in this morning's service that this is one of the important sermons, every sermon is important, but there are some that, given the historical context in which they are given and the experience of the people of God, has a resonance and greater importance. And I feel that way this afternoon as I share with you some reflections on the elections that have surprised us all and how good it is when the wisdom of man is confused, no matter which side. I like it sometimes when God – I tell you the truth – humbles myself and my expectations too, because it reminds me that I'm just a man. And it is good sometimes that humanity is chastened, no matter which side we are on, when God says, I am in control and I do a strange work on earth.
That is why it is important that the word of the Lord provide us with the correct perspective, how to see things, not through the lens of partisanship, not through human affiliations or communal passions, but through the eyes of the Lord, eyes eternal, objective eyes, eyes that take neither side nor the other, but see things vertically, as God needs them to be seen.