Let's hold on to truth and justice

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

RESUMEN: It's better to persevere in integrity, even if it doesn't bring wealth, than to achieve success through questionable means. Walking in truth and justice is like walking on solid and safe ground. We should never do something our conscience can't justify, as losing our inner peace would be worse than losing a fortune. Following what is good may make us seem like fools to some, but we will be approved in the judgment of the infallible.

Your path may be slow, but it is safe. He who is in a hurry to be rich will not be innocent or safe; but constant perseverance in integrity, even if it does not bring wealth, will certainly bring peace. When we do what is just and right we are similar to one who walks on a rock, for we are confident that every step we take is on solid and safe ground.

On the other hand, the greatest success through questionable transactions must always be false and treacherous, and the man who has achieved it must always be fearful that there will come a day of doing accounts, and then his profits will doom him.

Let's hold on to truth and justice. By the grace of God, let us imitate our God and Lord, in whose mouth deception was never found. Let us not be afraid of being poor, nor of being treated with contempt. Never, for any reason, do something that our conscience cannot justify. If we lost our inner peace, we would lose more than a fortune could buy. If we stay in the Lord's own way, and never sin against our conscience, our way is safe against aggressors. Who could harm us if we are followers of what is good? We could be considered fools by fools if we are firm in our integrity; but in the place where the judgment is infallible we will be approved.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.


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