Sacrificial worship

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: Paul and Silas were imprisoned and in pain, but they chose to worship God through singing hymns. This sacrificial worship caused an earthquake, freed them from their chains, and led to the conversion of the jailer. Similarly, Job praised God despite his suffering, and God was glorified. When we choose to worship God even in difficult times, we challenge the powers of darkness and please the Lord. This type of worship involves sacrificing our own needs and focusing on God's glory, and it unleashes God's power in our lives.

When Paul and Silas are imprisoned in Philippi after being flogged, still in chains and bleeding from their wounds, they pray to the Lord and praise Him by singing hymns. This sacrifice of worship on the part of God's servants mobilizes divine power, and a strong earthquake causes the jail to shake and the prisoners' chains to fall off. Acts 16:

25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God; and the prisoners heard them.

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