A problem of perspective

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: Comparing ourselves to others can make us feel superior, but when we compare ourselves to Jesus, we realize how small we are. It's all about perspective. We need to recognize our own flaws and stop judging others. Our goal should be to become more like Christ.

I was walking down the street and suddenly it started to rain, some drops of water splashed my glasses, I took them off and suddenly the street that I saw so far below my feet, approached me. They are so few times that I take off my glasses, usually just to bathe and sleep, that I have lost the true notion of my height and I feel tall, but in that instant, in which I took off my glasses, I had the perception of how small I am and This does not mean that there are not smaller people, no, if I compare myself with them I always win, more if I compare myself, for example, with a professional basketball player, Ugh! No way, again I say, how small I am!

In our daily walk we make thousands of comparisons between the people around us and us, between their attitudes and ours, between their qualities and ours. I'm sure that in most cases we came out winning, I always remember when my son was in high school and failed an exam, he told me- But mommy, almost everyone failed. I replied- That "almost everyone" gives me the measure that some approved, the question is why aren't you in that group? That's how we are, we always win, because we compare ourselves with those who have as many or more defects than we do.

And what about Holiness? There we are kings! of course, we are looking at the thief, the murderer, the alcoholic, the drug addict, the adulterer, those who do not know Christ! But what if you compare yourself to Him?

Now your perspective is different, you are at the foot of the cross, you look up and its height is so high that you lose it among the clouds in the sky. What happened? What patterns are you going to compare now? Where is your pride? You can no longer lift your head and say "I'm better!" You who judged those around you, what are you going to say before the magnificence of your God?

You see? It is a problem of perspectives, if you compare yourself with me, you win, if you compare yourself with Him, you are nothing. And while you are in this body of death, as Paul said "Wretched me! Who will free me from this body of death?" (Rom 7:24). So it will be, you will stop a thousand times and you will recognize that you judge your brother and we will do it again and again "until we all reach the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, the perfect man, according to stature of the fullness of Christ ”(Eph 4.13)

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