Homosexuality - a detour on the road towards sexual maturity

Andrew Cominsky
(Audio: English, Spanish) ->Alternate

SUMMARY: The speaker discusses their work within the Latin community, helping the church to provide safe spaces for people struggling with deep and shameful issues, such as homosexuality. They believe that there is no such thing as a homosexual identity, but rather people who have wounds and longings for love and intimacy that they do not understand. They emphasize the importance of fathers in the development of a child's identity and empowerment, and use the story of Jesus raising the dead widow's son as a metaphor for how Jesus can raise people from the dead of homosexuality. The speaker is excited about the possibility of the United States saying no to gay marriage as a country, and believes that the US has a powerful influence on the rest of the world. They argue that providing healing opportunities for those struggling with homosexuality is just as important as upholding the truth in all marriage.

The speaker discusses the importance of creating a healing community for those struggling with homosexuality. He emphasizes the need for intercession and repentance, and encourages churches to provide safe spaces for individuals to share their struggles and receive support. The speaker also shares his own journey of healing and encourages others to take steps towards their own resurrection. Ultimately, he advocates for churches to partner together to create powerful healing groups and become places of true healing for broken people.

The speaker urges the congregation to pray for their community to become a place of healing and grace. They invite those who feel called to be healers or who want to intercede for loved ones dealing with sexual brokenness to come forward for prayer. They ask for the anointing of Isaiah 61 and for God to ignite a prayer base for sexually broken people. They pray for strategies for healing and for everyone to do their part in creating a powerful healing community.

Hello, buenos días. I wish I could speak more of your beautiful language. I grew up in Southern California where you really need to speak Spanish, but I never learned because I’m stubborn and stupid, so forgive me. I do a lot of work within the Latin world. Doors have opened there for us to equip the church to deal with broken people, people that really love Jesus, but who struggle in deep and shameful areas of their lives.

And sometimes it’s hard work to gain victory in deep and difficult areas of our lives. We know there’s victory in Jesus, but we actually don’t know how it relates to some of the deep areas of our lives. So that makes it hard for us. We don’t want to dishonor our parents. We don’t want to dishonor the name of Jesus, but much as we don’t want to dishonor Jesus and our family, we still struggle with really dishonorable things.

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