Does God know? (Part 2)

Awilda Gonzalez
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: The theme of this sermon is "Does God know?" and it is based on the book of Hosea in the Old Testament. The speaker begins by reading Hosea 8:1-4, which talks about how Israel had turned away from serving Jehovah and was worshiping other gods, but still wanted to continue worshiping God. The speaker explains that when God says "I did not know" in verse 4, it actually means that Israel did not consult with Him and rejected His divine government, which was a form of belittling Him.

The speaker then applies this theme to our own lives, saying that sometimes we may not consult with God about a particular matter and try to hide it from Him. However, God knows everything and expects us to come to Him daily and consult with Him about all matters of our lives.

The speaker also talks about the lack of congruence between what is said and what is done, and mentions that fear of the answer, experiences and emotions, and lack of discipline are some possible reasons why we may avoid talking to God. However, the speaker emphasizes that we must turn our hearts to God and worship only Him, and not let anything else take first place in our lives.

In Hosea, God tells the people that they were destroyed because they lacked knowledge of His Word. It is important to trust in God, worship only Him, and obey His Word. We must also tell God everything and appeal to His mercy. When we consult with God in all decisions, we can have peace in the midst of circumstances and accept God's sovereignty. God's grace is available to us, no matter how many times we have failed. Let us come closer to God and consult everything with Him.

The theme for today is titled: Does God know? I want to invite you to situate yourself, the Book of the prophet Hosea in the Old Testament, chapter 8 verses from 1 to 4 we are going to read. But first let us pray: Father, we thank You for Your Presence in this place. We have come to adore You and to bless Your Name, but we have also come to listen to Your Word, and we open our hearts, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus, in such a way that Your Word does in us that for which You send it. , amen.

Hosea 8, verses from 1 to 4 read as follows: "Put a trumpet in your mouth. He comes like an eagle against the house of the Lord, because they have transgressed my covenant and rebelled against my law. Israel will cry to me: My God, we have known you. Israel has rejected good; the enemy will pursue him. They have set up kings, but not chosen by me; they have set up princes, but I did not know it."

Other publications related to "Does God know? (Part 2)":

Awilda Gonzalez
Does God know?
The importance of seeking Gods approval and guidance in decision-making and having an intimate relationship with Him, based on Hosea 8:1-4. The speaker emphasizes honesty with God, obedience to His Word, and avoiding setting up idols in our hearts.

Awilda Gonzalez
Does God know? (Part 1)
In this article, Awilda Gonzalez discusses the importance of consulting with God and having an intimate relationship with Him in all areas of life. She uses the example of Israel in Hosea to emphasize the importance of consistency between what one says and does. The article encourages readers to seek Gods guidance and mercy in decision-making and to trust in His care and peace.

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