What does restoration mean?

Emma de Sosa
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: Dr. Emma de Sosa speaks to a congregation about the importance of repentance and conversion to the nature of Christ. She cites Acts 3:17-21, where the Apostle Peter urges listeners to repent and convert to experience the times of refreshment that come from the presence of the Lord. She explains that repentance is feeling regret for past wrongs, while conversion involves changing one's direction to follow the principles of Christ. Dr. de Sosa also shares a personal story of being assaulted in Honduras and finding strength in the Lord's presence during the ordeal.

The speaker recounts a story of being attacked while driving with a friend, but finding gratitude and blessing the attackers instead of getting angry. He then discusses the idea of restoration and returning to the original model, which is Christ. He emphasizes the importance of restoring man's communion with God and becoming children of a loving Father. He also talks about the adoption ceremony performed for the Lord Jesus Christ and how it certifies him as a mature son to administer the inheritance.

The restoration of our relationship with God as a Father is the key to restoring all other relationships in our lives. We cannot be good evangelists, shepherds, or parents without first being a good son or daughter to God. We need to know and feel that we are loved and accepted by Him and have a clear identity in Him. This will give us the security and direction we need to be good spouses, parents, and leaders. We also need to forgive our biological parents or authority figures in our lives to allow for healing and the revelation of God's love and fatherhood in our lives. Those who struggle with feeling rejected or condemned by God or have a hard time achieving victories in their lives are encouraged to come forward for prayer and the activation of the revelation of God's fatherhood in their lives.

The speaker is asking for prayers for men of God and delivers a message of God's love and fatherhood. They ask for the Holy Spirit to bring revelation to each heart and erase negative memories of relationships with biological fathers. They bless the audience and declare healing and strength in their lives. They end by calling for singing and praising God.

I want to introduce you to Dr. Emma de Sosa, give her a big round of applause. I'm not going to make it too long, the women have been blessed this weekend with their extraordinary presentation, their spirit, their sense of humor, complexity of presentation, many beautiful things that I know that you, those who did not listen to it yesterday, They will have the opportunity to see for themselves. It is truly a joy to have our sister who comes from Honduras, with her husband, so the Hondurans and the Central Americans are celebrating today, which is great. That gives me great joy, great happiness, and I know that she has a word for us.

Unfortunately their books ran out yesterday and all the things they brought, so it was like a plague of locusts descended on what little they brought. But I know that we are going to have another opportunity in a not too distant time for her to continue blessing us with what God has given her. So sister, be blessed and welcome. Amen.

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