Does God know? (Part 1)

Awilda Gonzalez
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The message is based on Hosea 8:1-4 and the title is "God knows." The passage talks about how Israel did not consult with God before making important decisions, leading to their downfall. The author encourages readers to not hide anything from God and to consult with Him in all areas of life, including decisions about work, relationships, and ministry. Israel transgressed the covenant established by God and rebelled against Him, leading to God not knowing their actions. The author emphasizes the importance of having consistency between what one says and does and having an intimate relationship with God.

The speaker discusses the importance of consulting with God about all aspects of our lives, even those we may want to keep hidden. She cites the example of Israel in the book of Hosea, where God calls them to account for their sin of infidelity and calls them to return to Him. She also discusses various reasons why we may hesitate to consult with God, such as fear of the answer, past experiences, or deception by the enemy. The speaker encourages listeners to trust in God's guidance and mercy, to uphold the principle of telling God everything, and to appeal to God's mercy when needed. By doing so, we can experience God's grace, direction, care, and peace in our lives.

Before sending a text or posting on social media, ask yourself if you consulted with God first. He wants to bless and guide you, so seek His guidance. If you have failed in the past, start anew and seek intimacy with God. Invite the Holy Spirit to minister in your heart.

The message I bring this afternoon is entitled: God knows. And I want us to locate ourselves in Hosea, the Book of the prophet Hosea chapter 8, verse 1 to 4.

We keep our biblical text there and pray: Father, we thank you in this hour for Your sovereign Presence in this place, and in that hour we take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ Jesus, in such a way that Your Word does in us that by which You send her today Lord, we open our hearts. Not only have we opened it to worship You, to bless Your Name, but now to attend to Your Word, oh God, in Jesus' Name, amen, amen.

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Awilda Gonzalez
Does God know?
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