Love of God or fear of punishment?

Jorge Ayllón Navarro
Jorge Ayllón Navarro

SUMMARY: There is a concern among Christians regarding the fear and fear-mongering being spread by some post-apocalyptic prophets who loosely prophesy natural disasters and hellish punishments. The author believes that the doctrine of Jesus Christ is based on love, sacrifice, and free will, not fear. He encourages Christians to approach Jesus Christ out of pure and sincere love, not fear. The author also calls for the leaders of congregations to better determine the differences between fear and fear-mongering, as they can limit the healthy understanding of the Bible. He hopes for a strong and discerning church that trusts only in Jesus Christ and not in earthly leaders. May the Lord help us achieve this understanding and peace through His perfect love.

Beloved brothers in Christ, there is unfounded concern in Christians, a fear or fear that some post apocalyptic prophets are sowing, who very loosely prophesy serious natural disasters, in various parts or regions of the planet, Others who dream or are transported to visit hell, others who carry generational curses with them, and still others who, because they do not follow certain Old Testament laws, accuse the sheep of the flock they care for being under a curse, tormenting or manipulating them, in search of of personal interests.

All this environment of spiritual harassment makes many Christians see a God, as if he wanted to win souls for his kingdom, submitting his servants out of fear, out of fear of hellish punishment, indeed, as if it were blackmail " or you are with me, but look what will happen to you ”and I do not believe that God handles himself that way, nor that his shepherds win souls out of fear and not out of love.

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