Fear or dread?

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The author recalls their relationship with a renowned professor in Psychiatry who was feared by many due to his stern appearance. However, the author knew the professor well and did not fear him, but rather admired and loved him. The author explains that fear of God is not a paralyzing fear of punishment, but rather a fear of disappointing God and not being worthy of His trust. The fear of betraying God and not living up to His expectations is what guides us to live a life that dignifies and glorifies Him. By accepting this challenge and casting out fear from our lives, we can experience God's love in its fullness.

During my studies in Psychiatry, the Head of the department was a renowned professor in our country, with a physical appearance that commanded respect and a personality that exhibited contrasting aspects. Everyone feared him, because they did not know him well enough, plus those of us who got to know him loved him, because under that shell, there was a heart that bowed to love.

During a conversation I remember that I said to him: -I don't understand why everyone is afraid of him.

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