King James Version
And he went and found his carcass cast in the way, and the ass and the lion standing by the carcass: the lion had not eaten the carcass, nor torn the ass.(1 Reyes 13:28)
And the prophet took up the carcass of the man of God, and laid it upon the ass, and brought it back: and the old prophet came to the city, to mourn and to bury him.(1 Reyes 13:29)
And he laid his carcass in his own grave; and they mourned over him, saying, Alas, my brother!(1 Reyes 13:30)
And it came to pass, after he had buried him, that he spake to his sons, saying, When I am dead, then bury me in the sepulchre wherein the man of God is buried; lay my bones beside his bones:
For the saying which he cried by the word of the LORD against the altar in Bethel, and against all the houses of the high places which are in the cities of Samaria, shall surely come to pass.(1 Reyes 13:32)
After this thing Jeroboam returned not from his evil way, but made again of the lowest of the people priests of the high places: whosoever would, he consecrated him, and he became one of the priests of the high places.(1 Reyes 13:33)
And this thing became sin unto the house of Jeroboam, even to cut it off, and to destroy it from off the face of the earth.(1 Reyes 13:34)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "1 Reyes 13:31":

Susan Combs
Sal de la cueva
Lección sobre la importancia de reconocer nuestros errores y tener una relación íntima con Dios, basada en la historia de Elías en 1 Reyes 18-19.

Samuel Acevedo
Cuando el Señor te pida el burrito
En este artículo, el autor Samuel Acevedo reflexiona sobre la historia del burrito en la Biblia y cómo podemos aplicarla en nuestras vidas. A través de la entrega de lo que tenemos al Señor, podemos permitir que Él se glorifique en nuestras vidas y nos use para su propósito.

1 Reyes 13:31 - Referencia Cruzada

Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloody men: (Salmos 26:9)
And so I saw the wicked buried, who had come and gone from the place of the holy, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done: this is also vanity. (Eclesiastés 8:10)
Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the number of the fourth part of Israel? Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his! (Números 23:10)
Then he said, What title is that that I see? And the men of the city told him, It is the sepulchre of the man of God, which came from Judah, and proclaimed these things that thou hast done against the altar of Bethel. (2 Reyes 23:17)
And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; (Lucas 16:22)