King James Version
Now king David was old and stricken in years; and they covered him with clothes, but he gat no heat.(1 Reyes 1:1)
Wherefore his servants said unto him, Let there be sought for my lord the king a young virgin: and let her stand before the king, and let her cherish him, and let her lie in thy bosom, that my lord the king may get heat.(1 Reyes 1:2)
So they sought for a fair damsel throughout all the coasts of Israel, and found Abishag a Shunammite, and brought her to the king.(1 Reyes 1:3)
And the damsel was very fair, and cherished the king, and ministered to him: but the king knew her not.
Then Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself, saying, I will be king: and he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him.(1 Reyes 1:5)
And his father had not displeased him at any time in saying, Why hast thou done so? and he also was a very goodly man; and his mother bare him after Absalom.(1 Reyes 1:6)
And he conferred with Joab the son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the priest: and they following Adonijah helped him.(1 Reyes 1:7)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "1 Reyes 1:4":

Isaías Rivera
El Rey ha mandado Su carro para buscarte
La historia de Mefi-boset y cómo el Rey David lo acogió en su mesa a pesar de su discapacidad, enseñando la importancia de reconocer el valor humano y ofrecer protección y seguridad.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Vivir en tiempos de normalidad
En este sermón, el pastor habla sobre la historia de la Sunamita y la importancia de buscar a Dios con pasión y persistencia, así como de bendecir y apoyar a la iglesia. También se centra en el liderazgo espiritual de los hombres y la generosidad en la iglesia, y destaca la bendición que viene al preferir a Dios sobre todas las cosas.

1 Reyes 1:4 - Referencia Cruzada

And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS. (Mateo 1:25)