King James Version
And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God.(2 Samuel 6:7)
And David was displeased, because the LORD had made a breach upon Uzzah: and he called the name of the place Perezuzzah to this day.(2 Samuel 6:8)
And David was afraid of the LORD that day, and said, How shall the ark of the LORD come to me?(2 Samuel 6:9)
So David would not remove the ark of the LORD unto him into the city of David: but David carried it aside into the house of Obededom the Gittite.
And the ark of the LORD continued in the house of Obededom the Gittite three months: and the LORD blessed Obededom, and all his household.(2 Samuel 6:11)
And it was told king David, saying, The LORD hath blessed the house of Obededom, and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the ark of God. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obededom into the city of David with gladness.(2 Samuel 6:12)
And it was so, that when they that bare the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, he sacrificed oxen and fatlings.(2 Samuel 6:13)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "2 Samuel 6:10":

Samuel Acevedo
Cuando la gloria del Señor entra a tu casa
Reflexión sobre la importancia de la presencia divina en nuestras vidas y hogares, basada en la historia de David y el Arca de Dios en 2 Samuel 6:1-12.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
No conformarse con menos que lo mejor
En este sermón, el pastor habla acerca de la importancia de buscar la presencia y la gloria de Dios en la Iglesia, a través de la adoración verdadera y el ayuno poderoso. Invita a aquellos que sienten la necesidad de consagrarse completamente a Dios a no conformarse con menos y trabajar para Él.

2 Samuel 6:10 - Referencia Cruzada

And the Beerothites fled to Gittaim, and were sojourners there until this day.) (2 Samuel 4:3)
Moreover the sons of Obededom were, Shemaiah the firstborn, Jehozabad the second, Joah the third, and Sacar the fourth, and Nethaneel the fifth. (1 Crónicas 26:4)
So David brought not the ark home to himself to the city of David, but carried it aside into the house of Obededom the Gittite. (1 Crónicas 13:13)
Asaph the chief, and next to him Zechariah, Jeiel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and Mattithiah, and Eliab, and Benaiah, and Obededom: and Jeiel with psalteries and with harps; but Asaph made a sound with cymbals; (1 Crónicas 16:5)
And with them their brethren of the second degree, Zechariah, Ben, and Jaaziel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and Unni, Eliab, and Benaiah, and Maaseiah, and Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and Mikneiah, and Obededom, and Jeiel, the porters. (1 Crónicas 15:18)
And David sent forth a third part of the people under the hand of Joab, and a third part under the hand of Abishai the son of Zeruiah, Joab's brother, and a third part under the hand of Ittai the Gittite. And the king said unto the people, I will surely go forth with you myself also. (2 Samuel 18:2)
Then said the king to Ittai the Gittite, Wherefore goest thou also with us? return to thy place, and abide with the king: for thou art a stranger, and also an exile. (2 Samuel 15:19)