King James Version
And another company turned the way to Bethhoron: and another company turned to the way of the border that looketh to the valley of Zeboim toward the wilderness.(1 Samuel 13:18)
Now there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel: for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears:(1 Samuel 13:19)
But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his axe, and his mattock.(1 Samuel 13:20)
Yet they had a file for the mattocks, and for the coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and to sharpen the goads.
So it came to pass in the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan: but with Saul and with Jonathan his son was there found.(1 Samuel 13:22)
And the garrison of the Philistines went out to the passage of Michmash.(1 Samuel 13:23)
Now it came to pass upon a day, that Jonathan the son of Saul said unto the young man that bare his armor, Come, and let us go over to the Philistines' garrison, that is on the other side. But he told not his father.(1 Samuel 14:1)

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1 Samuel 13:21 - Referencia Cruzada