King James Version
And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.(Jueces 16:19)
And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.(Jueces 16:20)
But the Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house.(Jueces 16:21)
Howbeit the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaven.
Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice: for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand.(Jueces 16:23)
And when the people saw him, they praised their god: for they said, Our god hath delivered into our hands our enemy, and the destroyer of our country, which slew many of us.(Jueces 16:24)
And it came to pass, when their hearts were merry, that they said, Call for Samson, that he may make us sport. And they called for Samson out of the prison house; and he made them sport: and they set him between the pillars.(Jueces 16:25)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Jueces 16:22":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Sansón - la importancia de no desperdiciar el llamado ni el don de Dios
En esta meditación, el pastor habla sobre la importancia de apreciar y valorar el llamado y la unción que Dios ha puesto en nuestras vidas, y de cuidar y proteger nuestro don y llamado para evitar que el enemigo nos ataque por nuestro lado débil. Se enfoca en la historia de Sansón y advierte sobre el peligro y el precio de la unción divina, y anima a la congregación a consagrarse a Dios y buscar su gloria y unción.

Omar Soto
Ver el fracaso como la matriz del éxito
Reflexión sobre cómo el fracaso puede ser la matriz del éxito y la importancia de confiar en Dios en momentos difíciles, con historias bíblicas y una mentalidad positiva para renovar la esperanza y la confianza en Dios.

Jueces 16:22 - Referencia Cruzada

For the LORD shall judge his people, and repent himself for his servants, when he seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut up, or left. (Deuteronomio 32:36)
Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses. (Salmos 107:13)
Nevertheless he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry: (Salmos 106:44)
And yet for all that, when they be in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break my covenant with them: for I am the LORD their God. (Levítico 26:44)