King James Version
And Kibzaim with her suburbs, and Bethhoron with her suburbs; four cities.(Josué 21:22)
And out of the tribe of Dan, Eltekeh with her suburbs, Gibbethon with her suburbs,(Josué 21:23)
Aijalon with her suburbs, Gathrimmon with her suburbs; four cities.(Josué 21:24)
And out of the half tribe of Manasseh, Tanach with her suburbs, and Gathrimmon with her suburbs; two cities.
All the cities were ten with their suburbs for the families of the children of Kohath that remained.(Josué 21:26)
And unto the children of Gershon, of the families of the Levites, out of the other half tribe of Manasseh they gave Golan in Bashan with her suburbs, to be a city of refuge for the slayer; and Beeshterah with her suburbs; two cities.(Josué 21:27)
And out of the tribe of Issachar, Kishon with her suburbs, Dabareh with her suburbs,(Josué 21:28)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Josué 21:25":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Una oportunidad desperdiciada
Este sermón habla sobre cómo reaccionamos ante las ofensas y conflictos en nuestras vidas, y la importancia de vivir conforme a los principios del Reino de Dios. Se utiliza la historia de Dina en Génesis para ilustrar cómo los hijos de Dios deben poner por encima los valores del Reino de Dios, como la paz, la misericordia y el perdón.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Al mitad del camino
En este artículo, el pastor Roberto Miranda habla sobre el proceso de transporte y conquista del pueblo de Dios en la tierra prometida, y cómo es necesario reconocer la tierra antes de entrar en ella. También comparte sobre el proyecto de construcción de la iglesia y la importancia de tener recursos financieros para completarlo, animando a la congregación a renovar su compromiso de dar y tener una mentalidad de suficiencia.

Josué 21:25 - Referencia Cruzada

And Manasseh had in Issachar and in Asher Bethshean and her towns, and Ibleam and her towns, and the inhabitants of Dor and her towns, and the inhabitants of Endor and her towns, and the inhabitants of Taanach and her towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and her towns, even three countries. (Josué 17:11)
The kings came and fought, then fought the kings of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no gain of money. (Jueces 5:19)