King James Version
And Holon with her suburbs, and Debir with her suburbs,(Josué 21:15)
And Ain with her suburbs, and Juttah with her suburbs, and Bethshemesh with her suburbs; nine cities out of those two tribes.(Josué 21:16)
And out of the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon with her suburbs, Geba with her suburbs,(Josué 21:17)
Anathoth with her suburbs, and Almon with her suburbs; four cities.
All the cities of the children of Aaron, the priests, were thirteen cities with their suburbs.(Josué 21:19)
And the families of the children of Kohath, the Levites which remained of the children of Kohath, even they had the cities of their lot out of the tribe of Ephraim.(Josué 21:20)
For they gave them Shechem with her suburbs in mount Ephraim, to be a city of refuge for the slayer; and Gezer with her suburbs,(Josué 21:21)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Josué 21:18":

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Esta vez alabaré al Señor
Este artículo habla sobre la vida de Jacob y su transformación por el poder de Dios, su descendencia extraordinaria y la importancia de la alabanza como puerta a la redención. El propósito del pueblo de Dios es publicar sus alabanzas, glorificarle y exaltarle en toda su majestad y señorío.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Al mitad del camino
En este artículo, el pastor Roberto Miranda habla sobre el proceso de transporte y conquista del pueblo de Dios en la tierra prometida, y cómo es necesario reconocer la tierra antes de entrar en ella. También comparte sobre el proyecto de construcción de la iglesia y la importancia de tener recursos financieros para completarlo, animando a la congregación a renovar su compromiso de dar y tener una mentalidad de suficiencia.

Josué 21:18 - Referencia Cruzada

Lift up thy voice, O daughter of Gallim: cause it to be heard unto Laish, O poor Anathoth. (Isaías 10:30)
The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests that were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin: (Jeremías 1:1)
And unto Abiathar the priest said the king, Get thee to Anathoth, unto thine own fields; for thou art worthy of death: but I will not at this time put thee to death, because thou barest the ark of the LORD God before David my father, and because thou hast been afflicted in all wherein my father was afflicted. (1 Reyes 2:26)
And out of the tribe of Benjamin; Geba with her suburbs, and Alemeth with her suburbs, and Anathoth with her suburbs. All their cities throughout their families were thirteen cities. (1 Crónicas 6:60)