King James Version
And the coast of the children of Dan went out too little for them: therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.(Josué 19:47)
This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Dan according to their families, these cities with their villages.(Josué 19:48)
When they had made an end of dividing the land for inheritance by their coasts, the children of Israel gave an inheritance to Joshua the son of Nun among them:(Josué 19:49)
According to the word of the LORD they gave him the city which he asked, even Timnathserah in mount Ephraim: and he built the city, and dwelt therein.
These are the inheritances, which Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel, divided for an inheritance by lot in Shiloh before the LORD, at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. So they made an end of dividing the country.(Josué 19:51)
The LORD also spake unto Joshua, saying,(Josué 20:1)
Speak to the children of Israel, saying, Appoint out for you cities of refuge, whereof I spake unto you by the hand of Moses:(Josué 20:2)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Josué 19:50":

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
¡Dame ese monte!
Artículo titulado ¡Dame ese monte! escrito por Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas sobre la actitud y carácter en Cristo que hacen perdurar los sueños e infunden aliento para aprovechar nuevas oportunidades de servir al Señor, con el ejemplo de Caleb y su conquista de las montañas de Hebrón.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Una oportunidad desperdiciada
Este sermón habla sobre cómo reaccionamos ante las ofensas y conflictos en nuestras vidas, y la importancia de vivir conforme a los principios del Reino de Dios. Se utiliza la historia de Dina en Génesis para ilustrar cómo los hijos de Dios deben poner por encima los valores del Reino de Dios, como la paz, la misericordia y el perdón.

Josué 19:50 - Referencia Cruzada

And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathheres, in the mount of Ephraim, on the north side of the hill Gaash. (Jueces 2:9)
And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathserah, which is in mount Ephraim, on the north side of the hill of Gaash. (Josué 24:30)
(And his daughter was Sherah, who built Bethhoron the nether, and the upper, and Uzzensherah.) (1 Crónicas 7:24)